Leggi il manifesto in italiano
The structure of the Insectionals collective is based on:
1) Horizontality and mutual support between radical and intersectional antispeciesist volunteers.
Since we support the fight against all forms of oppression, we believe that the cooperation and union between individuals are the only valid forms of collective support that are able to carry out radical and intersectional antispeciesist policies, theories, and practices.
2) The de-normalisation and linguistic deconstruction of speciesism.
The prevailing speciesist linguistic structures, and their normalisation, automatically lead to the division of non-human animals into “useful” and “useless”, “worthy” and “worthless”. In fact, certain words and terms perpetuate a discriminatory stigma and, therefore, empower their speciesist root and its own binarism. In turn, that justifies a culture based on the “absent referent” – the transformation of an individual into a commodity. By stripping someone of their dignity, their inviolable freedom becomes property.
Consequently, this leads up to the normalisation of problematic relations between human and non-human animals. These aspects, often underestimated by the very same members of the animal liberation movement, cannot be ignored any longer, and call for a radical demolition, comprehensible and accessible for all.
3) Supporting intersectional information.
Today’s means of information, built around an oppressive culture, promote a communication based on dualisms and exclusivisms. Dismantling such a language is only possible when one is fully conscious and aware of the social, cultural and economic system they live in.
Furthermore, we support an informative praxis, opposed to the mainstream, misleading, and anthropocentric methods of raising awareness – those focused on pity, compassion, empathy, etc.
4) Recognition of the political resistance of non-human animal people through sanctuaries.
The resistance of all non-humans has always been dismissed, ignored and considered an exceptionality to be repressed. As radical antispeciesists we support non-human animal individuals as political agents of resistance; our position is that of allies and accomplices.
Farms are non-places where non-human animals are considered commodities; sanctuaries, therefore, are the only political places where they can gain their individuality back. We recognise sanctuaries as a necessary and temporary compromise, and not as a definitive solution. We believe that every antispeciesist militant must fully commit themselves, so that shelters, in a desirable future society, will no longer be needed.
5) Supporting direct action as active co-resitance.
Recognising non-humans as the focus of the antispeciesist movement, we consider direct action as a form of active resistance that allows us, as allies and accomplices, to support their struggles. We therefore reject any approach that refers to non-humans as “voiceless” and/or to activists as “their voice”.
Radical Antispeciesism
Insectionals is a nonpartisan political collective that distances itself from all forms of hierarchy and centralised power, carrying out an anarchic practice that looks towards the use of individual freedom as a tool for the achievement of a social order.
We recognise Antispecesism as a movement of radical criticism of the Existent and its political role. We reject all apolitical groups and instances, as we believe they are agents of confusion and division.
Radical intersectionalism
We believe that Speciesism is the root cause of all interspecific discriminations; however, we do so without declaring a hierarchy of oppression whatsoever. In fact, there are no A-grade victims and B-grade victims. We therefore reject epithets such as “What if they were dogs/cats?” or “Why love one [“pets”] and eat the other [“slaughter animals”]?“, because we believe that non-human “pet” animals are to be considered equal victims of speciesism, as they don’t benefit from a privileged treatment.
We assert that the antispeciesist movement must include all non-human individuals, and therefore not only mammals and those that are socially and culturally close to humans, but also invertebrates and vertebrates. In fact, Insectionals intends to deconstruct every kind of anthropocentric and anthropomorphic logic, as humanist utilitarian heritage.
In regards to today’s feminist movement, Insectionals takes a queer, ecotransfeminist stance. We therefore condemn the patriarchy and all forms of violence linked to it (either physical, verbal, psychological, cultural, social, religious, economic) as forced and coercive, as well as the consequent culture of rape through our commodifying capitalist system.